Tuesday 31 August 2010

Our new house in England

Sorry that I ave to type it in English (I prefer Chinese put the laptop I am using has no Chinese input>.<)

This is our new house. My in-laws moved in 2 days before we landed.

It is such a great house! Thank you so much for what you've done for us. I am really really grateful!

(I've only taking photos of the ground floor only. The bedrooms are upstairs!)

The living room

kitchen and dinning room

Garden - the patio bit

The girls love having a garden! It's good to have an outdoor area that's safe for the girls to play:)


  1. 間屋真係正到暈,响香港真係好難住得到,除非我發左達
    [版主回覆09/11/2010 05:40:00]I think so...but I prefer living in flats in Hong Kong!

  2. What a lovely house!!!!
    [版主回覆09/11/2010 05:41:00]thank you
    I enjoy living here too:)

  3. oh...個環境好好AR!你in-laws對你真係好....我都想有間咁既屋....唔知有冇咁既機會呢!
    [版主回覆09/11/2010 05:45:00]I am glad that I am living here but I don't own one:(
    flats are so expensive in Hong Kong- I really want to save up enough to be able to buy one!

  4. 環境好好呀~
    [版主回覆09/11/2010 05:46:00]this garden is big enough for the girls but it's not that big compare with the others! Friends of mine got a pond in their garden! some gardens are as big as a tennis court!

  5. vy vy good and nice environement ar
    [版主回覆10/01/2010 18:04:00]係呀
