Tuesday 7 September 2010

Francesca and Willow's 1st day of school

Francesca in her new uniform - thank you Donna for giving her this smart uniform!

morning- all get dressed, waiting for their breakfast!

Francesca's 1st pack lunch
not that exciting-.-
this is what the kids in England normally have for lunch (I think...)
I could have make her some chinese food but don't want her to be the odd kid so...
this is what she had! and...she finished it all!!!

The girls love their 1st day of school, but knackered at the end of the day! Not suprise- 1st time Francesca go to school from 9 til 3! Love having only Echo in the morning (and have a morning nap with her!), love playing with Willow after lunch:) but suddenly realise how little time I can spend with Francesca on the weekdays...


  1. Suprised that Francesca goes to a whole day class.  She becomes a big girl.
    [版主回覆09/11/2010 05:33:00]all the children going to be 5 in September go to school whole day in England.
    She is going to a primary school, reception class

  2. a good start!!!
    Yennie!!Add oil!!!
    [版主回覆09/11/2010 05:33:00]thank you, Yannis! x

  3. So happy to hear you again.   
    [版主回覆09/11/2010 05:33:00]hapy to c u leaving msg:)

  4. Oh!!! New Start, hope everything is fine. Really like your lunch box, so health.
    [版主回覆09/11/2010 05:36:00]thank you!
    pack lunches here are so much healthier than a couple of years ago!
    the schools here now have rules- no juicy (too much sugar), no crisps, no sweets, no chocolate! they encorage students to have more fruit and veg! it makes a very big different!

  5. 我以為外國番學唔駛著學服!
    [版主回覆10/01/2010 17:56:00]美國先唔洗著校服
