Anthea Turner所主持嘅The Perfect Housewife 啟發咗我好多野(係BBC嘅一個節目)

How to be the Perfect Housewife: Lessons in the Art of Modern Household Management
Contain tips on everything from decluttering to dry cleaning, storage solutions to spring cleaning, dinner parties to brunches. This guide includes lessons on various aspects of home making from cleaning to ironing to washing to tidying as well as top tips on entertaining.
Your home should be somewhere you look forward to spending time. It should be a haven from the stresses of the world. You should be proud to have your friends round for dinner and they should leave impressed by your comfortable, clean, homely home. Nowadays, we don't all have the time or energy to make the most of our homes. But with a little help from Anthea, the queen of clean, you too can have a beautiful, clean and comfortable home to be truly proud of. With tips on everything from decluttering to dry cleaning, storage solutions to spring cleaning, dinner parties to brunches, this is an indispensable guide. There are simple lessons on each aspect of home making from cleaning to ironing to washing to tidying as well as top tips on entertaining. You will learn to entertain in style, with little effort and cost. Whether you're a housewife, or a young professional or student just setting up home, the Perfect Housewife has helpful hints to get you organised. You can save time and energy and turn your house into a home with Anthea Turner!
Your home should be somewhere you look forward to spending time. It should be a haven from the stresses of the world. You should be proud to have your friends round for dinner and they should leave impressed by your comfortable, clean, homely home. Nowadays, we don't all have the time or energy to make the most of our homes. But with a little help from Anthea, the queen of clean, you too can have a beautiful, clean and comfortable home to be truly proud of. With tips on everything from decluttering to dry cleaning, storage solutions to spring cleaning, dinner parties to brunches, this is an indispensable guide. There are simple lessons on each aspect of home making from cleaning to ironing to washing to tidying as well as top tips on entertaining. You will learn to entertain in style, with little effort and cost. Whether you're a housewife, or a young professional or student just setting up home, the Perfect Housewife has helpful hints to get you organised. You can save time and energy and turn your house into a home with Anthea Turner!
Thanks for your sharing. 我一直都想學下點做一個perfect housewife, 同埋都想請教下妳點樣係無工人的情況下湊到两個小朋友咁好?? 因為我第二個囡囡就嚟出世啦, 我又唔係好信得過陌生人wor, 所以要周圍去睇下人哋D湊仔湊囡經.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/20/2009 22:56:00]我兩個女自細都好獨立。細女出世前,我己經教佢幫我手煮飯(佢洗野同切野),抺枱等等嘅野 有時佢會同我一齊煮飯,有時我煮飯時佢就自己睇電視自己玩,都唔洗我點理佢。 通常我都係等兩個女瞓咗先做d較麻煩嘅家務﹣掠衫同抺地呀咁,咁就可以喺日頭同佢地玩耐d。 其實要自己一個人湊兩個小朋友唔難 最緊要係時間管理 因為我細女一出我就按時餵奶,所以所有野都喺我預計之內 我一起身就餵奶;細女瞓返就叫大女起身同整早餐佢食之後又同佢玩陣;再餵奶後一齊去公園同買餸呀咁...等等 因為我餵人奶,所以更加要預返餵奶時你喺邊(我唔怕周街餵,最緊要有個位畀我坐定) 咁一齊就會喺我掌握之中! 叱到有講點按時餵食 而呢到就有講點湊兩個小朋友 係呢,你兩個小朋友差幾多呀? 我兩個女差19個月 大女啱啱開始講好多野!
Perfect housewife真係一份難做又唔討好嘅工作,因為唔係咁多人明白黎份工有幾難做(而家好多屋企都有工人嘛),但我都好想做好黎份工! 大家一齊努力啦!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/20/2009 23:58:00]大家咁話!!!
我個囡囡同靖翹一樣, 都係0708B, 之前係圓方starbuct gathering我哋見過两三次ga la. 其實我都係妳個blog到學到唔少嘢, 我見妳好放心咁俾两個囡去做一D嘢, 好似煮嘢食咁, 可能好多媽媽都唔係好够膽咁做. 不過我都覺得應該學下妳D教育方法先得. 我個細囡都係8月BB, 佢哋两個相差2年. 我ge諗法同妳一樣---自己湊, 唔打算請工人, 如果到時真係搞唔掂就call媽媽同99過嚟幫下手咁lor. 我都會成日過東涌ga, 因為99住係嗰度, 如果有機會大家一齊出嚟聚下啦.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/23/2009 18:01:00]係喎 我見你都熟口熟面咁,原來之前我地都見過幾次㗎啦 唔怪之後啦! 多謝你嘅讚賞^.^ 我寫呢個blog都係想同人分享下湊小朋友嘅心得 眼見好多人會依賴工人同太過保護小朋友,我覺得我地呢d家長應該要放膽畀小朋友認識下呢個世界,學下點自立 好似畀佢地學煮野咁,我都係睇電視學返嚟。我睇過一個節目,有個2歲嘅小朋友用刀切野!我都覺得好神奇。跟住我就教咗我個女畀佢知道刀同較剪都係危險嘅,唔可以隨便玩。見到周圍放嘅要話畀我知。到我個女有呢種危機意識我先教佢點用刀。而家大女用刀切野好叻,佢唔會隨便攞嚟玩,我反而畀以前收埋晒d危險品時更放心,因為佢知道無我喺到呢兩樣野都係唔掂得嘅 真係好啦,你又係自己湊!又搵到個人同我有相同意念嘅^.^你有亞媽同99做後盾就最好啦!幫你做下家務都妳嘛! 你得閒就搵下我啦~我成日都喺東涌㗎啦。不過你而家大住個肚去東涌遠嗎?