Monday 29 June 2009


寫低每個zone要做咩,例如:掃蜘蛛網,抺窗,換床單,抺skirting board,掃塵同吸塵咁...

Flylady is really easy to understand if you take away all the odd language they use on there.

Very basic principal of fly lady is to split your house into zones.Then you set up a control journal (A4 folder is best for this).On A4 paper,you write the name of each zone then write what you will do in that zone every day.So for example,spare room might cobweb,clean windows,change the bed,clean skirting board,dust and hoover.You repeat that process for each room.Then you allocate each room a day of the week,so you are giving yourself a target for each day.On top of that,there is the flight plan which basically picks a zone and foucses on doing in effect a "deep clean" of that room (along side your normal routine).So it might be the spare room again,but would be more detailed..with a little bit each day.

On top of that it gives you things to do on a daily basis to get yourself in the right frame of mind.If you take away the americanisms in the basically says get up and get dressed straight away as if you are dressed you will do more than if you stay in your jammies for ages.Make your bed as soon as you get out of it,instead of leaving it,every day shine your sink (got to love this one)Then three times a day you do a 20 mins round the house session (no longer)say looking for things in a room that dont belong there,things that can be thrown away etc.

Fly lady is basically about getting control of your house to start off with (I think I have talked out dejunking etc earlier in this thread..all talked about on Flylady) and then having an effective way of managing your house after that.

I know alot of people dont get on with flylady,but I think if you take the basic principals and adapt it to a way that suits you and your life,it does work well.For me having a daily plan has been a life saver 

Meant to add,the one thing about Flylady that does work,is its about setting yourself realistic targets on what you can achieve.There is alot of talk on there about taking baby steps,which I think they maybe go abit extreme on how they say to do it.But the meaning behind it is right.If you are a total housework-aphobe 
 there is no point in trying to get the whole house gleaming and become a domestic goddess in a wont work and you will more than likely fail and revert back to old habits.However,by setting yourself realistic targets to start off with (ie by saying all I will do this week is sort out one room PROPERLY and clean it from top to bottom) you are more likely to succeed.


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