Wednesday 1 December 2010



我都幾鐘意寫野嘅(我雖然成日打口語,但我寫白話文都OK架!)如果有人搵我寫專欄就好囉!寫湊小朋友又好,英國生活體驗又好,起碼叫做有個錢袋嘛!(我呢D FTM,梗係想搵個閒錢旁下身!希望你地吾好介意我咁講!)如果你地識人介紹下我都好呀!

仲有呀...你地話好吾好喺facebook開個fans page好呢?會吾會重覆咗咁呀?自問上facebook多過blog...你地話呢?

老公會在聖誕來英國數天短聚 :) 希望大家還可以!...


  1. 好呀~係FB開啦~我依家都係玩FB多個YAHOO BLOG=.=
    [版主回覆12/03/2010 06:41:00]
    please leave me a msg saying you are my blogger:)

  2. 我都係你fans黎架,好鐘意睇你寫野,喺你身上學到好多野,仲吸收到好多正能量,令我湊兩個囡囡都不至發癲........
    [版主回覆12/03/2010 06:42:00]Thank you for your support! but I wonder who will hire me...

  3. 我無你fb喎
    [版主回覆12/03/2010 06:43:00]now you have!

  4. 你地嘅留言,盡可能我都會詳盡回覆! 本人在" 11月5日BONFIRE NIGHT " 留了言,希望你會回覆吧。
    [版主回覆12/03/2010 06:44:00]sorry for my late reply. I've tried my best;)

  5. 希望你地一家人有個快樂聖誕!:)
    [版主回覆12/03/2010 06:54:00]thank you very much:)
    Wish you have a very happy christmas too! xxx

  6. 做左媽媽後真少左寫blog睇blog,贊成你係fb開fans page,我要成為會員呢
    嘻嘻,我都係fb add左你先
    [版主回覆12/05/2010 07:32:00]thank you for your support:) xxx

  7. pls add me in your facebook, my user name there is Lucia Lei
    [版主回覆12/06/2010 18:38:00]DONE:)

  8. "sorry for my late reply. I've tried my best;)" 不用對不起,我知道你已盡力,只是我希望你會見到我的留言並回覆吧。我已經再在 " 11月5日BONFIRE NIGHT " 留言,有關留言可能會令你不快,請諒。

  9. 係呀!睇完你個BLOG,我對湊BB興趣大左. 好似整乜比佢食,又開始比佢自己食野. 有次D朋友見到佢自己食野都覺得好特別.
    我仲想請教點可以比女女咁早瞓.我個女都算早戒夜奶,個半月戒左,不過當時要十二點食最後一餐,兩點半先瞓.後來漸漸轉一點半瞓,後來再較早點,十點半可以睡,最近較早到十點. 但係七點真係好早,遠離現在情況好遠.
    8:30或9:00起身->食奶->玩 10:30 食生果 11:00 睡覺 12:30或13:00 起身->食粥->玩 16:00或16:30 睡覺 17:30或18:00 起身->食奶->玩 19:15食粥->玩 21:30食奶->睡
    如果較到7點睡,是否要成個PATTERN轉晒呢? 想請你比吓意見.我個B而家十一個月.謝謝你
    [版主回覆12/06/2010 18:50:00]Thanks for your support:)
    Your little girl slept throught when she was a month and a half? WELL DONE you!
    That's a very structured routine! When my girls where 11m, they only had one nap during the day. You don't have to change everything you do a t the moment, you can just cut one her nap down (the morning one or the afternoon one.) Personally, I would cut the morning one and put her to bed after lunch (e.g.lunch at 12, nap at 1-3). Here's what I did....
    07.00 milk
    08.00 breakfast
    10.00 snacks
    12.00 lunch
    13.00 nap
    15.00 snack
    17.00 dinner
    18.00 bath
    17.00 bedtime
    Try skipping a nap, see if she will get tired in the early everning:) x 

  10. 希望你一家人過一個開心的聖誕!:)
    [版主回覆01/05/2011 07:32:00]THANKS:)
    we had a good one! x

  11. 不知你的facebook在那裡,我在這裡支持你,也希望在facebook給予支持,希望你讓我加入你的facebook,我在facebook的account名稱也是tsuenwanking。

  12. It's me again to ask the routine questions, something wrong in my routine. If my boy is tired enough after the evening feeding, he felt asleep right after the milk, or before 8. I thought im success...but he will wake in 45 mins...and wait for the last feeding, then I put him to bed before midnight, but he is waking a few times before going to deep sleep, I don't know what is going wrong? Hunger? As he is having less milk than before, I expressed milk to him, so I know he has no appetite.

    May be i need to cut his daytime sleeping. If I cut the nap, how should I manage the housework, and what activities will u do with Echo to keep her awake?

    Reply when u are less busy, haha! It is so much fun to have Christmas in the uk! I like all the Christmas stuff, esp on the Christmas day, enjoy the long Christmas lunch with your hubby and family!
    [版主回覆01/05/2011 07:45:00]sorry for my late reply! how's thing going on recently?
    Some babies do wake a few times b4 they go into deep sleep at night. If he wakes up at night but not really crying (you can tell if it's a tired cry!), try to leave him. My girls sometimes cry at night but I ignore them (try not to pick him up at all). They just go back to sleep on their own!
    When Echo was 6m, she used to have 2 naps during the day - 9.30-11, 13.30-15.00. how's you little boy's sleeping pattern now? x

  13. 我之前都諗梗是否俾阿囡早訓,佢八點到就訓。身邊好多人就講唔係啊,梗早訓,香港BB多數是10後先訓 ; 我有個friend係德國住,佢話早訓對bb頭腦好d,睇左幾本書都係梗,我覺得幾好。自己又多d時間。
    [版主回覆01/05/2011 08:33:00]早訓對bb頭腦好d-> very true!
    The earlier they sleep, the longer they sleep. They will be less tired and more focus in the morning. Morning is the best time for children to learn!
    And it's good for the EQ too->less tired, less grumpy, less tantrum!
