Yennie I'm also interested to bring Nat to this place. Would you also email the details to me? ( ) How can I introduce some art works to my daughter? She is not tempted to play the crayons and markers. She tried water-color for a few mintues for a few times only. (as she always run away after I set up the place for her). Thanks for your sharing. [版主回覆07/07/2009 07:59:00]我email咗畀你啦 呢度其實係我媽咪朋友開嘅 未必有班畀好似我兩個女咁細嘅小朋友上 係我得閒"中"咗上去,佢地又無咩人,所以佢地先畀我玩咩都得hehe 無呀,我平時都會同兩個女畫下野 大女細個時就差唔多日日都畫,嗰時放咗d紙同水筆喺茶几,佢想畫就會自己攞出嚟。佢會成日叫我畫d奶樽呀,tractor呀baby呀咁嘅野佢嚟~ 後來因為佢畫得太多...而家都唔係咁鐘意畫啦 佢兩個都鐘意painting囉 所以佢地成日都會叫我開野出嚟畀佢地畫 你啱啱開始介紹painting畀小朋友,可以考慮finger painting 畀小朋友著手袖,畀佢地用手指畫~ 你可以畀佢地試下唔同嘅媒體,引起佢地嘅興趣。當然最好你要會示範啦! 可以試下paint,水筆,木顏色,蠟筆,印仔,閃粉... 可以同小朋友去公園執下d喺地下嘅花同葉,返屋企用白膠漿痴落張紙做幅畫 另外你有無同Nat玩play-doh呀?play-doh都可以練下佢地嘅指力同想像力~ 我估...實有樣Nat會鐘意嘅~
Thanks for your detailed sharing. Nat has tried play-doh before. She tore the dough into less than 10 pieces and say bye bye. I tried to set her an empty Yakult bottle and let her pour some letter macaroni to make a shaker. She's fine. Stick stickers/ use glue not her cup of tea. She's not happy when her hands are dirty (that's the key problem. if u do art, u can think of being clean during the process). Btw, thanks for your sharing in making the chocolate strawberries. Nat tried twice and she definitely loved it and always classified that as the 'I can do it' task though she held the strawberries up-side down and dipped the stem to the chocolate for one time or two. Let me try more medium you suggested and revert to you. it's so excited to have someone to share with. Many thanks again. [版主回覆07/07/2009 17:56:00]唔洗客氣! 我寫呢個blog,都係想同人傾下湊仔/女經之嘛^.^
請問呢間係邊度, 我都想同囡囡去玩啊, 佢都好鍾意畫畫. 同埋貴唔貴?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆07/05/2009 23:06:00]喺北角㗎 你畀你email我,我send D單張過你睇呀
ReplyDeleteI'm also interested to bring Nat to this place. Would you also email the details to me? ( ) How can I introduce some art works to my daughter? She is not tempted to play the crayons and markers. She tried water-color for a few mintues for a few times only. (as she always run away after I set up the place for her).
Thanks for your sharing.
[版主回覆07/07/2009 07:59:00]我email咗畀你啦 呢度其實係我媽咪朋友開嘅 未必有班畀好似我兩個女咁細嘅小朋友上 係我得閒"中"咗上去,佢地又無咩人,所以佢地先畀我玩咩都得hehe 無呀,我平時都會同兩個女畫下野 大女細個時就差唔多日日都畫,嗰時放咗d紙同水筆喺茶几,佢想畫就會自己攞出嚟。佢會成日叫我畫d奶樽呀,tractor呀baby呀咁嘅野佢嚟~ 後來因為佢畫得太多...而家都唔係咁鐘意畫啦 佢兩個都鐘意painting囉 所以佢地成日都會叫我開野出嚟畀佢地畫 你啱啱開始介紹painting畀小朋友,可以考慮finger painting 畀小朋友著手袖,畀佢地用手指畫~ 你可以畀佢地試下唔同嘅媒體,引起佢地嘅興趣。當然最好你要會示範啦! 可以試下paint,水筆,木顏色,蠟筆,印仔,閃粉... 可以同小朋友去公園執下d喺地下嘅花同葉,返屋企用白膠漿痴落張紙做幅畫 另外你有無同Nat玩play-doh呀?play-doh都可以練下佢地嘅指力同想像力~ 我估...實有樣Nat會鐘意嘅~
xyz , xyz資訊工坊 竹 xyz軟體王 推 xyz軟體補給站 推推 xyz軟體之家 王 xyz軟體 詞 xyz遊戲 昂 xyz軟體銀行 人 xyz大補帖 ghijjk 大補帖 jhk 軟體急先鋒 , xyz , xyz , xyz , XYZ ,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your detailed sharing.
ReplyDeleteNat has tried play-doh before. She tore the dough into less than 10 pieces and say bye bye. I tried to set her an empty Yakult bottle and let her pour some letter macaroni to make a shaker. She's fine. Stick stickers/ use glue not her cup of tea. She's not happy when her hands are dirty (that's the key problem. if u do art, u can think of being clean during the process).
Btw, thanks for your sharing in making the chocolate strawberries. Nat tried twice and she definitely loved it and always classified that as the 'I can do it' task though she held the strawberries up-side down and dipped the stem to the chocolate for one time or two.
Let me try more medium you suggested and revert to you. it's so excited to have someone to share with. Many thanks again.
[版主回覆07/07/2009 17:56:00]唔洗客氣! 我寫呢個blog,都係想同人傾下湊仔/女經之嘛^.^
HIHI............... 我都想知呀, 可唔可以SENT D單張及聯絡方法比我呀!!!
ReplyDeleteHI, 我想要資料, 請問可以SENT 給我嗎?